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As a writer for the stage, I’m represented by Bret Adams, Ltd., and inquiries should be directed to Mark Orsini.

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"The book is hysterical and the music tuneful"

-Times Square Chronicle

"Julian Blackmore's score, Becca Blackmore’s and Dan Marshall's book and lyrics, enough energy to shame the Manhattan Project, and a cheesy set combine to offer an other-worldly blast of real musical comedy."

-Stage Buddy

Becca Blackmore is the co-author of the musicals Quiz Bowl (formerly Academia Nuts) (Best New Musical, NYMF; virtual production at NYFA), Snow Way Out (Micro-Musical Theatre Show Podcast; York Theatre Company Developmental Reading Series), The Peculiar Tale of the Prince of Bohemia and the Society of Desperate Victorians (Goodspeed Festival of New Musicals), Hatter (Indiana University; NYU), Grandma's Last Hurrah, and Period Piece (The Marilyn Monroe Theatre) and the author of the plays President Mom (with Dan Marshall, Beverly Arts Center; Notre Dame College; Caryl Crane Youth Theatre; 'Iolani School), Bedtime (The Blank Theatre Living Room Series), Baby Factory, Dead Behind the Eyes, or The Ingénue Play (Vintage Theatre; Rover Readings), Peaceful Warrior, Over-Ripe (LAFPI SWAN Day; Manhattan Shakespeare Project), and The Thomas Hardy Project (Florida Laboratory Theatre). Her works have been finalists or semi-finalists for the Dramatists Guild Foundation National Fellowship, the Kleban Prize, the Princess Grace Awards, the Jane Chambers Award, SPACE on Ryder Farm, the Leah Ryan FEWW Prize, the NuVoices Playwriting Prize, the Trustus Playwrights Festival, Isle of Shoals Lance Hewett Series, the Todd McNerney Playwriting Award, the Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards, the Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices Competition, the SoCal Screenplay Award, the ISA Drama Screenplay Competition, the Scriptation Showcase, the Big Apple Film Festival, and the Pittsburgh New Works Festival. Her play President Mom won the 2014 Ronald M. Ruble New Play prize and a 2015 Tam & Young Arts Chair Visiting Artist Residency in Honolulu. Becca is the author of the feature-length screenplay Church Choir Christmas Party and the original television pilots Songs of Bernadette, Happy Medium, and Republic of California, and the co-author of First Realm Problems (with Hudson Meredith) and Department of Ed (with Dan Marshall). She holds both a BFA and MFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.

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